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2024-12-13 19:41:07

Market sentiment: Although there is a phenomenon of high opening and low going today, market sentiment is expected to gradually pick up, and investors' confidence in the market outlook will gradually increase.IV. ConclusionOn December 10, 2024, the A-share market opened sharply higher under the stimulation of multiple favorable factors. The three major indices collectively opened higher, with the Shanghai Composite Index opening 2.58%, the Shenzhen Component Index opening 3.66% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index opening 4.88%. However, the market did not continue this strong momentum, but there was a phenomenon of high opening and low going. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.59%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose 0.75% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index rose 0.69%. This trend deviates from the market expectation of "opening higher and going higher", which shows that the market has gradually returned to rationality after experiencing initial excitement.

To sum up, although the A-share market opened higher and went lower on December 10, 2024, the market still has some upward momentum in terms of policy, capital and market sentiment. It is expected that the market will remain active tomorrow, but we need to pay attention to the plate differentiation and capital flow, as well as the further trend of policy. Investors should maintain a cautious and optimistic attitude, pay attention to structural opportunities and pay attention to risk control.IV. Conclusion

Second, the analysis of the reasons for high opening and low walkingOn December 10, 2024, the A-share market opened sharply higher under the stimulation of multiple favorable factors. The three major indices collectively opened higher, with the Shanghai Composite Index opening 2.58%, the Shenzhen Component Index opening 3.66% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index opening 4.88%. However, the market did not continue this strong momentum, but there was a phenomenon of high opening and low going. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.59%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose 0.75% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index rose 0.69%. This trend deviates from the market expectation of "opening higher and going higher", which shows that the market has gradually returned to rationality after experiencing initial excitement.

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